Interview with Kayla Peeters

A few times a year I interview other solo piano artists. Today’s interview is with the lovely Kayla Peeters. At the end of the interview I’ll include a playlist where you can hear her music. Enjoy!

PW: Tell me about your background.

KP: I started playing the piano at the age of 4. My brother had tried the piano and decided on the drums instead. My parents were renting a 61 key keyboard at the time for him and I would play around on it all of the time. It wasn’t until my best friend from across the street started formal lessons that my parents allowed us to rent an acoustic piano and for me to start piano lessons. I studied the piano throughout my school years and was part of several competitions growing up and found that I had a love for performance and composition.

When I was in the 6th grade I really started to discover contemporary music and loved George Winstons music. My parents played George’s albums throughout my childhood and I became very involved with learning his December album by ear. Durning the 8th grade I held a holiday concert for my family and played all of George Winstons December album by learning through listening. I was able to attend his concert that year and gave him the cassette tape of my playing. He thought that was amazing. I went on to meet him years down the road and gave him my actual album. It was a neat moment as he remembered who I was.

Throughout my later years into adulthood I composed an album when I was 18 years old and sold over 500 copies. That felt like an amazing accomplishment since I was only 18 years old and still a student. With my love for performance and showcasing an album in my city, I was able to start playing at several gigs, weddings and with large production music groups in my area. This led me to a successful career with performing and teaching. I started teaching piano when I was 17 years old. I always had a love for education and knew sharing the joy of performance, composition and teaching would be the perfect blend. I am a certified Kiddy Keys teacher and teach 1-3 year olds. I transition my toddlers into formal lessons and eventually we will graduate up to intermediate to advanced. I have a very successful studio since I teach with a student lead approach.

I enjoy teaching what my students want to learn. I especially enjoy teaching with a classical foundation but do love teaching about chord charts and pop-rock piano.

I recently released an entire album called the Awakening and it was a great opportunity to meet and collaborate with so many amazing artists. I have been releasing singles this year and my recent is an arrangement of Ave Maria with an exceptional cinematic full orchestral string player.

PW: Who were your earliest musical influences?

KP: Definitely Beethoven, George Winston and I enjoyed Lori Line.

PW: What inspires you musically?

KP: I feel as musicians we can be inspired at any given time. It sometimes feels like an obsession! For me, if I listen to certain instrumental music or see a beautiful setting in nature, that really can transcend into something magical. Brynlee’s Theme. I wrote it for our daughter and it is very special to my family. Someone heard it on Spotify and actually used it as their wedding song! That was a neat moment.

PW: Your most favorite song in your catalog?

KP: Brynlee’s Theme. I wrote it for our daughter and it is very special to my family. Someone heard it on Spotify and actually used it as their wedding song! That was a neat moment.

PW: Biggest joy in your career/life?

KP: I feel very lucky to have such a loving and supportive Husband of my music. He is such a lover of music and inspires me in his own ways. My parents are my fans for life! They attend a lot of my gigs and performances. I am also very grateful for my producer Joseph Nimoh who helped me with the streaming world and educates me with the process. He mixes and masters my music and I’ve learned so much of that entire process also. Another relationship I’m grateful for is Jennifer Thomas. She’s been so helpful a long the way and is such a wealth of information with the new music world.

PW: Biggest struggle in your career/life?

KP: Time management. Running a full capacity studio, composing and writing compositions for others all of top of being a wife and mother. Marketing is also a struggle and I feel like there are a lot of dead ends with some of the marketing strategies. I try my best to keep up with the constant changing music world and educate myself the best I can. I am also not afraid to ask for help and love when others are willing to help.

PW: How do you want to be remembered?

KP: I want to be remembered as a passionate lover of music. I hope my music inspires my loved ones, my listeners and my students. Thank you for the interview! Kayla Peeters

PW: Thanks Kayla!

Now here’s a playlist to hear Kayla’s music as well as other solo piano artists…

Listen on Spotify HERE

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