Have you ever had a dream that was so vivid that it felt real? My song ‘Dreaming in Color’ is such a song. It’s about love lost in real life, found again in a dream and then upon awakening the dream comes true.
Musically, the song is in E Flat Major. I love the right hand patterns accompanied by octaves in the left hand as it weaves in and out of 4/4 3/4 meter. With a beautiful string section accompanying the piano, the song has a very dreamy ethereal sound. It’s one of the most beautiful songs in my collection IMHO.
Listen to ‘Dreaming In Color’ on Spotify HERE

Listen to ‘Dreaming in Color’ on Pandora HERE

Listen to ‘Dreaming in Color’ on Apple Music HERE

Want to learn how to play ‘Dreaming in Color’ on your piano or keyboard? Sheet Music available HERE