For many years I’ve had fans ask if I had any ‘romantic sounding’ music. My usual response was “well, I have a song like this or that on this album or that album.” I never really had a cohesive album of ‘romantic’ music. I also wanted to do a more ambient album and include other instruments. Nothing too over the top, but something that would compliment and create a nice dialog with the piano. That’s how this song and the album it’s on was born.
‘Beneath the Same Sky’ is about being separated from the one you love but looking up at the sky being day or night and thinking about them and knowing that you both share that same sky despite being separated by time, distance and space.
The song is in C Major and the meter alternates between 3/4 and 2/4. I also love the sweet strings in the song, the lamenting cello and the soaring french horn. It really gives this piece even more depth and longing.

Listen on Pandora ‘Beneath the Same Sky’ Radio here