At this Moment is one of the first songs that I originally wrote back in the late 90s, and later released on my first album Finding Solace back in 2002/2003. It reappeared on my Retrospective Album in 2012.
The song is about living in the moment. We live in an age of such distraction that it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday living, regretting the past and worrying about the future.
I’m in my head a lot as an introvert, so in addition to playing the piano, one of the things I like to do to get me out of my head is to go for a walk and be more observational about my surroundings. Saying to myself…
“Look how beautiful the sun is, it’s warm rays lighting up the sky.”
“Look at how blue the sky is today.”
“Look at the beautiful fall foliage, the oranges, the reds, the gold.”
“The smell of the cool fall air.”
You get the idea, and as an added bonus I get inspiration for music!
Want to learn how to play ‘At This Moment’ on your piano or keyboard? Sheet music available here